Tu poti evada din puscarie? Te asteptam la Prison Break, una dintre cele mai tari experiente escape room din Bucuresti!
Deschizi ochii si nu recunosti peisajul. Nimic nu este familiar. Doua paturi suprapuse, o toaleta intr-un colt si gratii la usa. GRATII?!?!?! Te cuprinde panica, inima iti bubuie in piept si speri ca e doar un vis. Inchizi ochii si astepti sa te trezesti. Te trezeste insa vocea prietenului tau care te striga panicat. Nu, nu visati! Sunteti la puscarie!
Confuzia se instaleaza, incerci sa iti amintesti cum ai ajuns la puscarie. Iti amintesti fragmente de conversatii si imagini. Nimic nu are sens. Nu accepti ideea. Nu poti sta aici. Trebuie sa faci ceva. Trebuie sa evadezi!
Unde sunt ceilalti? Trebuie sa ii anunti, sa faceti un plan. Veti evada impreuna sau deloc. Toti pentru unul, unul pentru toti! Nu aveti timp de asteptat. Este singura voastra sansa. Intr-o ora veti fi transferati intr-o puscarie de maxima securitate. Doar 60 de minute aveti la dispozitie sa evadati. Adrenalina pompeaza, inima bate puternic. Trebuie sa existe o cale. Incepeti sa cautati indicii, orice va poate folosi. Numaratoarea inversa a inceput.
Tic, tac… tic, tac…
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Nu esti inca convins? Citeste parerea echipelor care au jucat camerele 60 Minutes Escape Room Bucuresti!
EXCELLENT Based on 217 reviews Robert b2024-08-11Verified Black Magic Room Great decoration, a good challenge for the first room great fun for people who like puzzles and ambient soundtrack. Friendly staff MathieuVuylsteke2024-05-14Verified Mechanical and fun! Very friendly service and excellent rooms. The rooms we did (Moria; Isengard and Black Magic) were very mechanical. In Moria and Isengard we had a puzzle that didn't work but the owner quickly helped us out and retracted the time. Rooms can be more thematically equipped though. Anca B2024-03-17Verified escape room it was an amazing experience, we loved it and we plan to go again to the other Lord of the rings room soon. the best escape room Gabriela P2024-01-11Verified Great experience The experience it's really great. We loved that the puzzles need a lot of team work. The challenges have a good flow and mechanisms in the rooms are really great. Rodica I2023-12-09Verified Perfect fun! Excelent! Everything was great, from service to game conditions and place decoration! We visited Prison break and Black Magic Olivia S2023-12-02Verified Great experience for teambuilding Very complex glues and great decor, easy to book and communicate with the team, very professional and prompt Daciana C2023-11-20Verified Mines of Moria The Mines were thrilling - staff is friendly and location is perfect. We participated as a couple - tricky but doable Silisteanu C2023-10-15Verified Best escape room in town Amazing place, atmosphere and staff. Our kids enjoyed these rooms a lot. We would definetly come back. Highly recommended ! zshitrit172023-10-07Verified Amazing escape room Amazing place , we celebrate 9th Birthday to my son , we were with his friends it was great . We went with them they needed help. The guy was so nice with a lot of patience. Tabacal2023-10-06Verified Great experience! Totally recommended! We have been in the 2 rooms related to Lord of the Rings, two teams of 4 people each and everybody was enjoying the experience.